

Our flexible Pricing Plan

Contact us today and we will prepare one month of your books for free

Do you require specialized bookkeeping?

The most common reason to require a specialized RB team is that your business needs to track cash revenue, cash expenses, accounts receivable, accounts payable, or segment level bookkeeping.

A RB expert will help you determine if your business requires specialized bookkeeping during your 30 days free trial. Pricing starts at just $200/month and is an add-on to any RB plan.

Try our service risk-free

We never recommend our services if we’re not the best solution for your business. Try Bench risk-free before you sign up. We’ll do a month of your bookkeeping, and give you an income statement and balance sheet.

Custom pricing

Custom pricing

If you own more than one business, you’ll receive a customized monthly or annual subscription.

Scalable plans

Scalable plans

We review your plan annually to make sure we have you covered as your needs change.

Cancel any time

Cancel any time

We never lock you in, even if you prepay annually. We also make it easy to get your data out of RB.

Responsive support

Responsive support

Every plan includes a dedicated team of small business bookkeeping experts and accountants who work in-house.
Catch Up Bookkeeping

Catch Up Bookkeeping

Behind on your books? Add any amount of Catch Up Bookkeeping to your annual or monthly plan.

Effortless data transfer

Effortless data transfer

RB syncs with most major banks and leading payment platforms to gather your financial data.